I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions but I do look forward to January every year to make a "Fresh Start".
This January, I will be making the the following changes that allow for a fresh start and a new outlook. I usually pick a weekend and get them done all at once but I like to be done with things and love the feeling of 'newness'. If that doesn't appeal to you, try doing one thing each week or each month. I actually started cleaning out the last week of December as the drive for letting go of some clutter was relentless...
Clean Out The Clutter
It's difficult to re-focus when there is clutter and chaos. Reorganizing your work or living space clears the way for fresh, new and greater things to come about. I usually go through my closets, drawers, and cabinets and discard items that I no longer have a use for or no longer serve a purpose for me. Many items are still usable and will serve a purpose for someone. Box them up for Goodwill, Disabled American Veterans or Salvation Army. I love the feeling after accomplishing a task. It is a positive relief when I finish cleaning out that drawer and it opens smoothly without getting caught on something sticking up in the way. We all have areas we can de-clutter and organize.
Changing our environment can assist in moving out old and worn out energies, patterns and bringing in the new. Though I am not one for redecorating my whole house every year I do love to make small changes. I also have little to no money to spend on this, so I have to be creative.
Moving furniture around, painting a w all, a new piece of artwork or wall hanging are quick, inexpensive and easy ways to bring freshness to your living space. Print some new pictures and change out what it is in those frames. If your budget does not allow for new art work, try changing things up by moving that art work to a new wall. How about a new wind chime for the patio or deck? Some pots with fresh plants or flowers? These little changes can give you a fresh attitude when you enter that area.
Give your fitness routine a re-charge
Add some new exercises to your routing or revamp the entire workout. Or in my case, commit to working out more regularly! I love walking in the crisp cold air, as does my dog. I also have worked out in my courtyard, enjoying some sun, fresh air and stretching my muscles.
Spice it up!
What's a fresh start without fresh food ideas? There are so many ideas and resources for new fresh, healthy meals. Try something you have not eaten before. We recently made a kale salad and served it for dinner. My daughter's friend was a good sport and tried it with low expectations. He decided it was "actually pretty good" and was proudly saying "I ate kale!" Search the internet, cookbooks, blogs, and talk with friends for recommendations. There are many great grains, vegetables, and fruits to try.
A different / new meditation, church or spiritual center...
Try out a new church in your community, a new meditation or visit a spiritual center in the area. Walking meditations outside can be very grounding and sustaining. Nature can provide us with amazing spiritual opportunities if we take the time to explore and appreciate them. I have tried a few short hikes recently and truly enjoyed the entire experience. Visiting a new church in your area can be very rewarding as a new perspective is gained. Or get involved in a new way at your current faith community. Consider volunteering in an area you have not previously done-like the nursery or social committee. You will meet new people and gain new, different perspective.
A New You!
Above all, I strive to be open to new experiences and ways of viewing life as I welcome 2016. By incorporating new and unique things into our lives we change and grow along with them and become New in the process. Here's to a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year to all!
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